Ten ways to win my heart



Ten ways to win my heart

 Ways to Win My Heart | Anas Ebrahem

If you asked me what my perfect man looks like, I couldn’t describe him. I imagine he’d be taller than me and I’d like to think that he’d look capable of killing a bear for me, but when I think of some of the men I’ve found myself attracted to over the years, those things have (at times) been very far from accurate.

But I do know a few personality traits that I find attractive. (And a few I find off-putting.) So, here are some of each! (We’ll start with the off-putting so that we can end on a high note!)

Ten ways to put me off:

  1. Be rude. To me, to a waitress, to a random stranger – doesn’t matter.
  2. Don’t follow current events.
  3. Brag about how much money you have. (Or complain about how little you have.)
  4. Treat me as an inferior because I’m just a little woman.
  5. Be intimidated by my intelligence/education.
  6. Show an utter lack of respect for someone you feel is beneath you (or for an animal).
  7. Be jealous.
  8. Insult me or my beliefs.
  9. Tell me who I can and can’t hang out with.
  10. Show a complete lack of care and concern for your own health and wellbeing.

Ten ways to win my heart:

  1. Make me laugh – and laugh with me.
  2. Engage me in conversation about something you’re passionate about. (Or something I’m passionate about.)
  3. Ask me questions about me – and answer questions about you.
  4. Be silly and adventurous with me.
  5. Be willing to learn new things with me.
  6. Make time for your family – especially young nieces and nephews.
  7. Encourage my dreams – and let me encourage yours.
  8. Challenge me! Intellectually, physically, in a match of wits – just challenge me!
  9. Offer to take care of me when I’m sick. (And don’t get mad when I’m too stubborn to let you!)
  10. Make me feel important to you!

I’m sure there are several more things that could be added to both lists, but I won’t necessarily know until it happens! I do have faith that someone will win my heart though – and I am excited about meeting that person who does everything so right that my heart sings with joy when he walks in the room.

So, how about you? Do you have specific put-offs or heart-winners?

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